Purpose and vision

our vision
for tomorrow
LISI's mission, expressed in our purpose, consists in designing and delivering reliable and sustainable assembly and component solutions for the aerospace, automotive, and medical sectors. To achieve this, we rely on our two pillars: operational excellence and innovation. We also strive to do better with less, by aiming for concrete targets in terms of social and environmental responsibility. Sharing our vision of the future, with our employees and all stakeholders, will enable us to succeed in achieving these objectives.
Our purpose
Shape and Share Sustainable Links
The links, historical markers of the company, now link our applications, our economic development and our social responsibility at the heart of our purpose.
It reflects our long-term vision, our desire to anticipate the impacts of our industry and to strengthen the links between economic progress, societal progress and environmental progress.
It affirms our long-term commitment to the sustainable development objectives defined by the United Nations. In order to meet these challenges and improve performance, safety and the well-being of everyone in the long term, LISI relies on operational excellence and innovation; levers that reflect our confidence in the future.
It reflects our desire to promote, in a sustainable manner, the values of an ecosystem whose solidity is based on the lasting links we share with all our stakeholders.
It expresses our ability to design and deliver reliable and durable assembly solutions, and complex fastening systems that are ever more efficient and environmentally responsible, in order to meet the needs of the most demanding industries: aerospace, automotive and medical.
On this basis, the LISI Group founds its development on strong values, embodied by seven axes grouped around what we call our 3Ps, for People, Planet and Profit. These axes, for which the new CSR Department is responsible, are our guiding principle and feed our strategy.
The pursuit of operational excellence, which is the key to our collective performance, is an essential pillar of our strategy. Based on the LISI SYSTEM - our reference program for the management of excellence in both plants and support services - it is also a structuring element of our purpose. This pillar is completed by innovation, which constantly positions us towards the products and technologies of the future.
Because it is both the expression of our identity and our project, LISI's purpose must also be inspiring and unifying for the entire Group: it guides our practices, our businesses, our innovations and our ambitions. It federates our ecosystem and our values around our employees and towards all our stakeholders. It guides all our decisions and actions for a better future.
In line with our CSR policy, the LISI Group is accelerating its strategy around the 3Ps - PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT, relying on the fundamentals of the LISI SYSTEM, our standards and our tools and on our major levers operational excellence and innovation which constitute our DNA.

2 pillars
- Operational excellence
- Innovation
Our 3P with our 7 axes

Interview with Emmanuel Viellard
What strategic vision do you share within the LISI Group?
The LISI Group was built over a span of nearly 250 years of history and has always looked toward the future. Our strategic plan, set up for 4 years, is constantly updated. We are already thinking about 2030 to plan further and are structuring our action around 3 major ambitions: decarbonization, because sustainable development is a conviction that has become a prerequisite for any development initiative; attractiveness, to keep our ability to attract the best talents intact, and finally productivity, which is a necessary condition to maintain our performance and best meet customer needs. We are convinced that financial and non-financial results form a whole; they live together and must therefore be integrated into the strategy and expected objectives.
How do you measure progress in decarbonization and CSR?
We are present on the main programs of Corac, the Council for Civil Aeronautical Research, which established, with the DGAC (French Civil Aviation Authority) and the GIFAS (French Aerospace Industries Group), the roadmap for the decarbonization of aviation. We are also very active in the automotive industry and electromobility, where these issues are key. Even though we operate way upstream for the time being, we already have all it takes to lighten our parts and our fastening systems adapted for the engines of the future, the Fit for 55 and the decarbonization of our applications. Regarding the overall CSR strategy of our activities, we have set for ourselves a specific long-term roadmap, with ambitious objectives for 2030, whether regarding the reduction of our water consumption or energy, our greenhouse gas emissions, safety at work or even advancing diversity within the company. From the climate emergency to the transformation of the mobility sector through the creation of a more inclusive society, our stakeholders expect LISI to act, with strong measures that have a real impact on society and the territories where we operate. This is the mission that we have set for ourselves and it is a conviction that inspires and involves all of LISI’s 10,000 employees around the world.
What challenges are you faced with in terms of attractiveness?
Like all industrial companies, we must be sufficiently compelling if we want to win the battle for talent. Innovation, with the quest for operational excellence, is at the heart of the Group’s strategy. If it is everyone's business – at LISI we deploy participatory innovation approaches and programs which are aimed at all of our employees – our capacity to attract talent, to mobilize energies, to offer attractive career paths in an open and varied environment, are powerful levers for collective success. This is why we increase training, experience and partnerships, to introduce people to the “LISI culture”, its business lines, its vision of the industry of the future, the cutting-edge technologies implemented in each division, the disruptive solutions that we offer to the market which meet the needs of the most prominent manufacturers and equipment manufacturers, in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries.
What levers do you rely upon to improve LISI’s productivity?
We must remain agile, and adjust constantly. Productivity is one of the keys to success. We must work and constantly improve our performance results. To achieve this, we rely on two essential pillars: the quest for operational excellence which is based on the LISI SYSTEM, the program which guides our practices and our procedures both in the plants and in the support functions. Innovation allows us to be positioned upstream with customers on the new products and applications they are developing, and to gain market share. Today we are focused on combining financial and non-financial performance over a long-term trajectory. By combining profitability and responsibility, we are opening a new chapter in our history. Our CSR approach, structured around the 3Ps People, Planet and Profit, represents a decisive asset for the creation of value in the short, medium and long term. We are about to launch a major initiative on the “People” component by fully integrating it into the LISI SYSTEM.
“By combining profitability and responsibility, we want to prolong our history. Our CSR approach, structured around the 3Ps People, Planet and Profit, represents a decisive asset for the creation of value in the short, medium and long term ”