LISI’S share

Codes and classification 07.26.24
ISIN FR0000050353 MEP PAR Local 5035
Euronext code FR0000050353 Mnemo FII    
Type Stock - Ordinary stock - Continuous  
Market Euronext Paris - Eurolist - Local Securities Compartiment B (Mid-caps)
Market data 07.26.24
Last (€) 24.00
Change D/D-1 (%) +3.45%
Volume 7755
Turnover 1 116 919 512,00
 First (€) 09:00 23.25
 + High (€)   24.10
 + Low (€)   23.25
Market indicators
  /1 week /1 month /52 weeks
+ High;(€) 23.85 23.70 23.85
Date 07/22/2024 06/27/2024 07/27/2023
+ Low (€) 23.50 23.00 23.50
Date 07/22/2024 06/27/2024 07/27/2023
Change (%) +1.27% +2.78% +1.69%
Volume 43,928 262,020 6,793,600
Average volume 8,786 11,910 26,538
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