LISI GROUP - Activity report 2014 - page 22

In2014,TheLISI Group continued toprogress inFranceand internationally,
showingonceagaina strong capacity for change.This expansioneffort,
started in2013,means that today thegroup candemonstrate its strength,
gain the confidenceof itsmajor clientsand support themactively in their
long term strategicprograms.
LISI raisesUS$75m
inprivate funds
Over the course of the year 2013 LISI obtained private
financing of US$ 75million (€56million). This financing
wasobtainedviaanAmerican institutional investor inthe
formofUSPrivatePlacement (USPP). Itsfinalmaturityof
10yearsallows theGroup tofinance long-termprojects,
suchas theaeronauticalprogramswithwhich theGroup
is involved, which are investment-heavy and spread
over a period of more than five years. This operation
illustrates the verypositiveappreciationenjoyedby the
LISI Group for its investment grade credit rating, in line
with thebestnames in industry.
LISI 2014
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