LISI GROUP - Activity report 2014 - page 63

LISI 2014
Development is accelerating for LISI AUTOMOTIVE’s Mechanical Safety
Components,asegmentspecializing in thedesignandco-productionof strategic
parts for components of steering and suspension systems, brakes and seat and
seatbeltfasteners.2014wasmarkedbystronggrowthandavigoroussurge innew
orders:€10millionofcommercial contractsweresecured.
The first component manufacturing runs were launched in China, and two of
our particularly competitive Europeanplants now export their products toAsia
andNorthAmerica. Their levels of quality and service are recognizedby all our
customers throughout theworld. ThisBusinessGrouphas, without doubt, been
thestarof2014within theLISIAUTOMOTIVEdivision.
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