LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2021

88 — LISI – 2021 INTEGRATED REPORT Other informationabout LISI Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), CSR section A presentation of the LISI Group’s CSR strategy and targets set for the medium (2023) and long term (2030). Distribution List To receive our quarterly newsletters by e-mail and our press releases, you can register on our website:, (mailing list section). 2021 / Document d’enregistrementuniversel 2021 universal registration document, Investors section A document compliant with French and European regulations including in particular the annual financial report, the management report as well as the consolidated and corporate accounts for the financial year, all the societal, social and environmental information (DPEF) about LISI and the resolutions submitted for the approval of the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. LISI Overview, Group section A presentation of the profile of the LISI Group, its locations around the world, its key figures, governance, and history. Also discover our latest video which presents our highlights and our vision for tomorrow.