LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2021

54 — LISI – 2021 INTEGRATED REPORT Commitment  CSR A 5-fold strategy Committed to the Global Compact The LISI Group is a signatory of the Global Compact proposed by the United Nations Organization since 2000. The Global Compact offers a simple, universal and voluntary commitment framework, which revolves around ten principles relating to respect for Human Rights, international labor standards, environment preservation, and anti-corruption measures. It encourages companies around the world to adopt a socially responsible attitude and to commit to making progress each year in each of the 4 areas of the Global Compact; to submit an annual “Communication on Progress” (CoP) report detailing the progress accomplished. #1 P rotect #2 Pr eserve #3 Retain #4 G o beyond #5 I nvolve — The CSR strategy implemented by the LISI Group encourages collective and individual commitment to progress in all its forms. To achieve this objective, it is deployed in 5 key areas: protect our employees and attain excellence in occupational health and safety, preserve our environment, retain talents and strengthen the appeal of our business lines, go beyong our customers’ expectations and finally involve our suppliers in a responsible supply chain. For each of these areas, the LISI Group has set short-term (2020/2021), medium (2023) and long-term (2030) objectives