LISI GROUP - Integrated report 2020

LISI — 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 1 PROFILE LISI AEROSPACE €663 million of sales LISI AUTOMOTIVE €451 million of sales LISI MEDICAL €116 million of sales LISI GROUP €1.23 billion of sales 44 production sites in 13 countries 9,676 employees (1) Net operating cash flow minus net CAPEX and changes in working capital requirements. COVID-19: securing sizing, positioning Since the first effects of the coronavirus in China in December 2019, the epidemic has grown worldwide and now affects all continents. Exceptional healthmeasures were gradually taken depending on the stage of the epidemic in each of the countries where the LISI Group is present. Faced with this unprecedented crisis, an overall adaptation plan was implemented very quickly in order to protect the health of employees, ensure business continuity, preserve the Group’s cash flow over time as well as any opportunities that the markets may reveal even in times of crisis. In this report, you will find background information that will help you understand the impact of COVID-19 on the business, performance and strategy of the LISI Group, in particular with the launch of the NEWDEAL plan (see p. 30). To get through this difficult period, LISI was also able to rely on the commitment of all its employees, on the support of its banking partners, as well as on the confidence of its customers and shareholders. Financial performance growth €166.7 million Current Gross Operating Surplus, EBITDA, i.e 13.6% of sales €41.5 million EBIT, i.e. 3.4% of operating margin Enhanced financial strength €109.4 million Record Free Cash Flow (1) i.e. 8.9% of sales €220.8 million Net debt, i.e. - € 111 million compared to 2019 KEY FIGURES 2020