Universal Registration Document 2019

1 General information regarding the Company 1  /  Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and Statutory Auditors 4 1.1  /  Name and function of the person responsible for the Universal Registration Document 4 1.2  /  Statement by the person responsible for the Universal Registration Document 4 2  /  Information policy 4 2.1  /  Person in charge of financial information 4 2.2  /  Statutory auditors 4 2.3  /  Documentation 4 3  /  Functional organization chart 5 4  /  Legal organization 6 5  /  Key figures 8 6  /  Information about the issuer and the Company’s share capital 8 6.1  /  Information about the issuer 8 6.2  /  Share capital 8 6.3  /  Breakdown of share capital and voting rights – Shareholders’ agreement 9 6.4  /  Dividend distribution policy – Dividend prescription period 10 6.5  /  Share buyback program 11 6.6  /  Liquidity of the share 11 6.7  /  History 13 6.8  /  Mission – Strategy 14 6.9  /  Company name – Head Office and legislation 14 3 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT