Universal Registration Document 2019

31 LISI 2019 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT Consolidated financial statements 2 2  /  Financial statements 2.1  /  Income statement (in thousands of euros) Notes 12/31/2019 12/31/2018 PRE-TAX SALES 1,729,527 1,645,095 Changes in stock, finished products and production in progress (3,513) 9,251 Total production 1,726,014 1,654,346 Other revenues* 28,508 39,641 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,754,522 1,693,987 Consumed goods 3.5.2 (476,490) (464,424) Other purchases and external expenses 3.5.3 (349,499) (352,485) Taxes and duties (11,995) (11,615) Payroll costs (including temporary workers) 3.5.4 (643,338) (640,048) EBITDA 273,200 225,416 Depreciation (119,181) (99,025) Net provisions 1,094 9,166 CURRENT OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT) 155,113 135,558 Non-recurring operating expenses 3.5.6 (46,358) (13,693) Non-recurring operating revenues 3.5.6 1,523 3,427 OPERATING PROFIT 110,278 125,290 Financing expenses and revenue on cash 3.5.7 (4,326) (2,503) Revenue on cash 3.5.7 3,544 3,462 Financing expenses 3.5.7 (7,871) (5,965) Other interest revenue and expenses 3.5.7 (4,221) 7,847 Other financial items 3.5.7 26,688 42,635 Other interest expenses 3.5.7 (30,909) (34,788) Taxes (including CVAE (Tax on Companies’ Added Value)) (27,918) (33,839) PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 73,812 96,794 Attributable as company shareholders’ equity 69,773 92,069 Interest not granting control over the company 4,039 4,725 EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €) 3.5.9 1.31 1.73 DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €) 3.5.9 1.30 1.72 * In order to provide readers of the financial statements with better information that is in accordance with international standards, in the 2019 financial statements the Company has continued classifying revenues related to CIR (Research tax credit) as “Other Revenues”.