Page 34 - LISI GROUP - Activity Report 2011

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Accident at work: a
behavioral analysis
program launched in 2011
While the frequency rate of accidents has been
greatly reduced, their severity has also fallen
sharply. The severity rate TG0, which represents
the number of days lost as a result of a
workplace accident per thousand hours worked,
was reduced by 75% since 2005, which reflects
on the efficiency of the measures implemented
for the protection of the employees. LISI is
determined to stay focused and pursue actions
that will maintain this trend. Every accident
which occurs on one of the LISI sites is the
subject of a detailed analysis, in accordance with
a rigorous methodology developed by the LISI
Group’s Risk Committee. In addition, the General
Management of the Group is informed of each
workplace accident involving time off work by
the Director of the location concerned, thereby
confirming that Safety is everyone’s business.
Approximately 80% of the accidents occurring
within the Group are of behavioral origin. For this
reason, in 2011 LISI decided to launch a program
to change safety behaviors with the assistance
of an external consultant and involving the
participation of all employees. This program is
based around two principles: the first one deals
with conscious unsafe behaviors, and directly
concerns the local management. The second one,
which focuses on unconscious unsafe behaviors,
is reflected by training courses targeted at all
employees. Since June 2011, the approach has
been initiated on four pilot sites, split between
share of worked hours
devoted to “safety and
environment” training